The Importance of Microbiology:
Of all the considerations one might embrace for obtaining and maintaining good health, incorporating healthy, aggressive, prolific intestinal flora is clearly the most overlooked, yet supremely essential. Simply put, the body cannot, and will not reach maximum health ... nor stay there, without its full compliment of microbiology.
A healthy intestinal tract, rich in friendly, "proper" bacteria, will have over 400 different forms living there, representing approximately two pounds of body weight. In the large intestine, as many as ONE TRILLION organisms per milliliter are common, according to Golden's Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. This statistic, alone, should give you an idea of just how important microbiology is to your body.
Bacteria are usually single cell microorganisms, found in a variety of forms ... some good, some bad, some really ugly. Most bacteria are either free-living saprophytes, organisms that live on, and over time, bring about the decomposition of dead or decaying organic matter (that's good), or parasites, many of which can and do cause disease (that's bad and ugly). These tiny microscopic life forms we know as microorganisms are foundational to every physical thing on earth.
Microbiology can consist of either friendly bacteria or unfriendly bacteria. Friendly bacteria promotes and supports health, whereas unfriendly bacteria means harmful, toxic, and death, just the opposite. Unfriendly microbiology CANNOT bring health to a diseased body, because it will kill healthy, friendly, "proper" bacteria, and when they do, disease-oriented microbiology will invariably assume control, because the cause of the disease is left untreated.
Two of the least understood bodily functions take place in our intestinal tract. They are 1), the process of extraction of nutrients in the food mass as it progresses through both the small and large intestine (colon), and 2), the process of elimination of unwanted, dangerous toxic materials. A healthy intestine, replete with proper microbiology, leads to good bowel movements, healthy vitamin and hormone production, and a long and growing list of other important health benefits. Unfortunately, the colon of most civilized Westerners is, as evidenced by the astonishing findings of autopsies, colonics, surgeries and X-rays, the most abused--and most abusing--organ in the body.
According to Professor Ehret in his work, Mucusless Diet Healing System, the average person carries around as much as ten pounds of uneliminated feces in their bowels. These are the undigested substances, some from your last few meals, but more the accumulations from childhood onward, which do not pass in your regular bowel movements. This is "stuff" that really shouldn't be there. This is the life-snuffing glue that poisons every part of your body, and which is so difficult to remove.
Several years ago, Bernard Jensen, D.C., world-renowned author, lecturer and teacher of natural health, said, "It is an indisputable fact that illness, old age, and even death itself are due to the accumulation of waste products (within the body) ... to the inability of the body to replenish its cellular structures and organs with fresh, vital nutrients."
Most health authorities now believe that the more common conditions of putrefaction/fermentation/incrustation , caused by prolonged transit times, are responsible for the toxins that may underlie nearly every ailment known to man. This veritable Pandora's Box of poisons produces more human misery and suffering (mental and moral), as well as physical, than any other known source.
Benefits of "Proper" Microbiology:
*Acidifies the Colon: The ideal pH of the colon is between 6.7 and 6.9 . Acetic and Lactic Acids are some of the by-products that assist in doing this. This environment inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria, such as salmonella (causes food poisoning), shigella (causes diarrhea), and E-coli (causes intestinal disease and kidney failure). Good bacteria also produce a volatile fatty acid, which, along with the other acids, make it very difficult for fungus and yeast (candida) to achieve dominance.
*Normalizes Bowel Movements: Friendly bacteria can inhibit diarrhea, correct constipation, and decrease the time it takes for waste products to move through the digestive system.
*Strengthens the Immune System: It assists in stimulating the formation of antibodies which protect our bodies against infectious disease. The overwhelming majority of all immune system organisms (70-80%) are located in the intestinal wall. To be most effective, the "proper" bacteria have to be present in abundance.
*Assists in Vitamin Production: It assists in the production of the B-complex vitamins, and also Vitamin K, necessary for a healthy liver, for blood clotting, and for new bone formation. Also, the responsibility for the processing and absorption of vitamins belongs to the intestinal bacteria.
*Assists Enzyme Production: It assists in the production of Lactase, the enzyme necessary to digest milk and other dairy products. Without this enzyme, milk allergies are most certain to occur.
*Removes Cancer-Causing Elements: It assists in the de-activating of various cancer-causing compounds produced by other organisms, or resulting from certain foods.
*Assists Cholesterol Reduction: Combined with a high fiber diet, it can lower cholesterol levels, substantially, and even improve fat digestion by providing more bile acids.
*Eliminate Gas Problems: Sufficient friendly bacteria in the colon eliminates bowel gas, and sweetens the breath. Halitosis is frequently caused when un friendly (bad) bacteria dominate in the colon, and produce foul smelling waste. These gasses can be expelled, or reabsorbed into the bloodstream, and carried to the lung to be exhaled. All the breath mints in the world won't correct bad breath caused by bowel problems.
*Additional Benefits: Proper "body ecology" has been demonstrated to produce improvement in virtually any and every function of the body, e.g. acidification; digestion; assimilation of nutrients; circulation; elimination; detoxification; immune; nerves; the skin, muscles and joints; genito-urinary, and reproductive organs, just for starters. These functions can result in lower blood pressure, fewer digestive disorders, fewer infections, less pain, increased mobility, lower cholesterol levels, increased energy, healthy weight gain, etc. Without this natural defense guarding against pathogenic organisms, we become susceptible to a wide range of health problems which affects all bodily processes.
The Need For Pro-biotic Supplementation:
Time was, because of nutrient-rich soil, clean water, organic fertilizers, abundant, beneficial insects and micro-flora, it was possible to consume the now-elusive "healthy diet", and be able to maintain, quite naturally, a healthy, balanced microbiologic equilibrium. Basically, the power to stay well was there. It was an integral part of you. That "time" is no more!
No one reading this report has ever lived in a perfect world, but it can be well-argued that it has never been more imperfect than it is now. Today, soil depletion, insecticide-herbicide-chemically fertilized farms, cooked, processed, chemical-laden foods, anti-microbial soaps, antiseptics, the overuse of chemical antibiotics, irradiation, chlorinated drinking water, widespread use of birth control pills, immunosuppressant drugs, chemotherapy and much more, all conspire to destroy what we may call the "body ecology".
Harvey Wiley, once head of the American Bureau of Chemistry (now known as the Food and Drug Administration ), was a strong proponent of good triumphing over evil in the American food industry, but his ouster by the food and drug cartels spelled ultimate freedom for pharmaceutical and food "lords" to flood our markets with what has been referred to as "plastic" food.
We have come to the point where packaged mixes and dinners, fast served, processed foods, sugar-laden drinks, and even vitamins and supplements are the things people call "food".
Wiley looked ahead to the time when society might have to sustain itself on this type of commercially proffered "food" and would, as a result, fall prey to illness, weakness and disease. He knew that the food we consume becomes a "substrate" material that is acted upon by the microbiological cultures present in your system, and that the quality of the food you consume has everything to do with the survival of a healthy microbiology.
We now know that consuming "junk food", America's favorite diet, supplies the substrates that lead to disease-creating microbiology! When processed, incomplete foods are consumed regularly, the microbiology dissolves, and tends to adjust downward to the level and quality of the available material. Unfortunately, as modern agricultural methods continues to use chemistry on an ever-increasing basis, the food which is produced will continue to become less of a substrate for healthy microbiology.
Could this be why America is now rated 37th in the world as a healthy nation by the World Health Organization, just ahead of Slovenia and Cuba, and 53rd in the world in life expectancy, behind Libya and Jamaica?
So many nutrients, co-factors, etc., etc., have been lost from the average person's diet that degenerative disease is striking down people of younger and younger ages . (Adult onset diabetes, cancer, heart attacks, dental and vision problems are often found in teen-agers, and even children under ten years of age).
Many out there would have you believe that illness and disease are arbitrary, and have no discernable cause, or that they are inherited. This is simply UNTRUE! But, for health to abound in your body, the microbiology must be rich and healthy. If your intestinal tract isn't rich in healthy, life-supporting microflora, it will, inevitably abound with the microbiology of death.
If healthy microbiology is not the result of the food we eat, then we must find a suitable replacement, in order to avoid the inevitable, disastrous results. As Ann Wigmore, founder of the world-famous Hippocrates Institute, and renowned proponent for live food used to say, " live food to live, and dead food to die".
Today, it's difficult to count the companies in the health industry marketing so-called probiotic products. Even so, the industry is still in a fledgling state. Mostly it experiments with a few popular microorganisms commonly found in yogurt, sauerkraut and soaked wheat. Unfortunately, when you discontinue the use of these, chiefly lactic acid bacilli, they will not remain, and benefits are gradually lost.
In nature, normal healthy conditions would allow for multi-specied microorganisms to be sustained indefinitely. Hundreds, even thousands of species collaborate to promote disease-free, nutrient-rich plants. The body that consumes this microbiologically-blessed food would inherit, and benefit from, these same beneficial characteristics.
The systems used today to produce most "probiotic" supplements fall far short of this ideal. The foods used to "grow" these probiotic microorganisms still contain the ultimate potential for spoilage, so their ability to transfer healthy microflora to the system is limited. The standard microbial "buzz-words" of the health industry today, "Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Acidophilus Bifidus" et. al. can be temporarily beneficial, but can guarantee no long-term benefits. In some instances, these singular cultures are blended together by a process called "micro-blending", in the hopes of achieving broader benefits.
An excellent example of this is a product marketed by a well-known physician who advertises his new "probiotic" product by stating, "Each caplet contains five carefully chosen strains of healthy bacteria. Two of these strains are in the Bifida bacteria family, including B. longum and B. bifidum.The other three are part of the Lactobacillus family, including L. acidophilus, L. casei, and L. burglarious". This sounds good, but when different microorganisms are just thrown together, there's no way to know for sure how they will interact, or whether they can defend themselves from the attacks by unfriendly, harmful microorganisms. It is unfortunate that millions of people spend good money, unknowingly, for products that could actually prove to be harmful to their health, in the long-term. Since one of the characteristics of a healthy microbiology is to defend against disease, where could a supplement that could cause disease fit into a "healthy microbiology" scenario?
But, from a technical standpoint, how does one go about reproducing the same, dynamic microfloral characteristics normally found in nature's paradigm? Is it possible to produce microbiology capable of delivering the health benefits to which we have alluded? The answer is an emphatic YES! In fact, it's already available as a food.
There is a little known condition in microbiology called "biological defensiveness". For a specific microbiology to be truly "biologically defensive" it must contain a complete system of interactive, inter-dependent microorganisms. This form of microbiology is completely defensive and is capable of maintaining itself, even under long-term storage conditions. Being "biologically defensive" also assures that the organisms cannot be mutated or overwhelmed by unfriendly, harmful microorganisms. When these microorganisms are consumed, even along with food, assimilation and nutrient absorption are enhanced, and colonization (proliferation) begins immediately to transform the entire digestive system. Anyone using such a product soon discovers that elimination is dramatically enhanced. The need for laxatives and digestive aids may be altogether eliminated.
But is there a form of beneficial microbiology available in supplement form that will not mutate or be overwhelmed by unfriendly, health-robbing microorganisms? Again, the answer is an emphatic YES! Soil-based activated microbiology (SAM) has proven resistant to mutation and resilliant to attacks by unfriendly microorganisms, even when introduced into the SAM culture. These unique "colonies" of friendly, healthy, "proper" bacteria contain multiple strains of homeostatic, food-grade, soil-based microorganisms that are biologically defensive.
Strength and integrity come with species dynamics: As the numbers of different species multiply, probiotics grown in colony become more and more defensive, eventually to the point where they are said to be uniquely "biologically defensive". Just as no two things can occupy the same space , neither can your body have disease where you have "biologically defensive" health. The organisms are simply too dynamically defensive to allow any invader to become part of the system! This then, should be the goal of every individual in these days of rampant fungus, disease and bio-terrorism. If our health is to survive and maintain through these dangerous, threatening, unpredictable times, it will be because of powerful immune systems and not the result of a physician's needle.
In any society there are always those who see the future for what it holds, and make intelligent plans in light of the available wisdom, as well as those who fail to look ahead and plan accordingly. These are the ones you can observe to be falling now; and they will continue to fall, in ever greater numbers, as our earth becomes more and more polluted by the toxic residues of industry, war and toxic chemistry. You need to choose to which group you belong; for not to choose is to align yourself with the sick and dying.
What Really Makes "SAM" So Unique:
Even before this exciting new microbial marvel was ever introduced into dormancy, for eventual consumption as food, all of the different species were together, in colony, thriving interdependently in a complete and active system. They were in a totally biologically defensive condition. In nature, under ideal conditions, individual microorganisms develop themselves into colonies of interdependence. The colony could be loosly compared to a close-knit family whose individual members would fight to the death to defend and protect the other family members. Whatever it is that a single microbe is capable of doing, it is ever so much more effective when found in concert with other species.
As we have said previously, most probiotic supplements available today are the result of blending certain individual, dormant species together from a recipe (like making a cake). Compatibility is often not a concern, nor are "biological defensiveness" and longevity a goal (nor much understood, for that matter).
This whole issue is extremely important, because if the microbiology isn't capable of causing fermentation and producing enzymes, together as a complete system ... it will invariably grow mold. To our knowledge, currently there are no companies duplicating nature to the degree of artificially assembling a "biologically defensive" colony of microbiology.
Below is a list of just some of the characteristics of soil-based, activated microbiology (sam)".
It can be placed onto wounds, and will cause more efficient healing.
It could be used to pickle food.
It can be added to hand creams and lotions that promote healing.
It is currently being successfully tested in a facemask to treat acne.
If used as an ingredient in bread dough will make delicious bread.
It can be sprinkled on cereals, eggs, yogurt, and most foods for consumption, as seasoning.
Within the body:
It dramatically improves elimination.
It improves digestion and nutrient assimilation .
Helps to control parasites.
Helps with ulcers.
Helps to eliminate body odors.
Helps dramatically against free radicals.
Helps to heal internal damage.
Reduces mucous.
What other food can do all of this for you? Soil-based activated microbiology (SAM) is what Fermented Rice Bran from The Wellness Group USA is all about.
Fermented Rice Bran is cultured under the strictest of conditions, aged in a controlled environment, using nutrient-dense rice bran as it's substrate. In addition to having dozens of strains of healthy, friendly, "proper" bacteria, the soil-based, applied microbiology incorporates the numerous components of the substrate, itself; B vitamins, essential fatty acids, trace minerals, amino acids, phyto and glyco-nutrients, and over 90 antioxidants, including tocotrionols.
This powerful new food supplement assures that "health-oriented" microbiology will gain and maintain the dominant role in your digestive tract. Remember, when healthy, friendly, "proper" bacteria maintain the dominant role, all forms of disease-oriented microbiology is defeated, and your entire digestive system wins. We invite you to "win" with SAM.
Come see this and many other exciting products that work!
Wellness Products That Work
The Wellness Group USA